The Cult of Time

We believe you.

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The Cult of Time

Everything you've heard is true.

Tell us your stories. We'll believe everything you say. We know it's true.

Explore the universe and beyond. Study and practice magic. Share your feelings.

Travel to distant places, times and moods.
Communicate with the past, present, future, or the world beyond time.

You can have eternal life if you believe it (and also tithe to us). Trust us, as we trust you.

Upon inductance as a Timeguide, you will receive a Talisman forged in secret with metallurgical and semantic technologies. The Talisman will respond to your spirit and aura, and develop responsive, personalized magic for your use. It will also connect you spiritually with all other Talismans and, through them, with their Timeguides. As we mentioned, it's all true. We think for ourselves, and we know what is true.


Join us in communities around the globe as we worry the public.


Think for yourself. Love your neighbor's dysfunction. Perform weird religious rites.


Epiphany and peace are good things.


Dogma is for adults. Nature, learning, and fun are for kids.

The Panamanian golden frog is
critically endangered. Cult members communicate with frogs.
